News — business
10th Call Hustler
Posted by Ruben Escalona on

The inspiration behind the 10th call hustle design is rooted in the desire to do whatever it takes to accomplish the goals I have set out to achieve. I have always had a knack for sales and over the years have found that I am comfortable selling face to face and online. I read a quote by Mark Cuban that said "Sales Cures All" and I'm glad to have found that to be true. I struggled in many areas but sales was never one of them. Last year about this time I started prospecting for new clients and I went...
Red Alpha Business Solutions
Posted by Ruben Escalona on

Printing solutions for your business all on one page. Are you starting a new business or are you re-branding your business? Adding new staff or expanding to a new location? After eight years of working with business clients just like yourself we have seen that although every business is unique in the sense of the product or service they offer, the printing needs are similar. The Red Alpha Business Solutions page is comprised of the most common product and service requests we have received over the years. New products and services will be added periodically as we continue to fine...
Welcome to the Family
Posted by Ruben Escalona on

In a few months we will have been in business for 6 years but the dream started 22 years ago. In 1994 I started down the road of becoming an Entrepreneur. I could write a book about how many times I failed and maybe one day I will but today I simply wanted to capture a thought in the Red Alpha blog. 10 years ago Escalona & Associates came alive and it never really went anywhere. E&A is actually what I consider a parent, but I haven't yet revealed the Daddy company yet. E&A is who we use for our...
Banner Sale for a Banner Year
Posted by Ruben Escalona on

We decided to kick off the New Year in a way that is sure to stir up our local economy. Now is the time where Vision is being cast, new business and organizations are getting started. Baseball & Softball season is only a few weeks away so what better way to give back then to make an offer that is impossible to refuse. If you fall into this category don't hesitate to place your order. We will knock them out as fast as possible.