Be Productive not just Busy
Posted by Ruben Escalona on
This is the first part of a two part message. I shared the second part yesterday. I have to be brief or I will be going against what I'm trying to preach here. Every activity involved to run a business is important but we have discipline ourselves to focus on the activities that bring in new revenue during the peak hours of the day. Social Media Management is important but you should set you posts for the week on the weekend or the night before. Same goes for checking emails, invoicing, ordering, equipment maintenance, etc. From 9am-8pm Focus on closing new business, establishing new clients, and fulfilling orders. This is easier with a team but if you are a one man show like I am time management is crucial. You have to do it all and still find time to rest and spend with your family. Create the proper balance you need in order to produce the revenue you need to live happy.